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Chassis Dyno


Proteck Performance has a vehcile chassis dynamometer from Dynocom in the USA. The Dyno supports two wheel drive cars and up to a massive twelve hundred horsepower (1200HP) at the wheels.

The Dyno is the latest release from Dynocom with their in house built Eddy brake for steady state testing. The Eddy Brake is one of the best in the world and with the latest software system available we can log many variable parameters which then enables us to squeeze every last horsepower out of your car.



With over thirty years experience in tuning road and race cars Proteck performance have the knowledge required to get that last quarter hosepower or kilowatt you are looking for.


We Currently build distributors for HQs, commodore cup and sports sedan Race cars. We can rebuild and regraph any Distributor to custom specifications to suit a particular application. We Rerbuild Rejet and tune many different Carburators from a single barrell Stromberg to a four barrell Holley carburator.


We specialise in aftermarket engine management systems so you can tune every parameter possible. We have Experience in Motec and many other Brands of Aftermarket Ecu's. We also have  the Ability to flash tune many different makes and models of cars. we also supply many performance upgrades from Exhaust systems to cold air intakes all the way to supercharger kits. So contact us today to find out more.




Race car preparation is the most important thing when it comes to having an enjoyable, competitive, problem free race weekend.

At Proteck Performance we know how to prepare race cars to make them fast and most importantly reliable and our results speak for themselves as we have won State and National titles in HQ racing a very competitive one make category.

We have prepared cars from a range of classes including Commodore cup, HQs, V8 Utes and Sports sedans. If your preperation is Good then usually you have great results on race day.

We also offer track support & Race car setup assistance to help you get those extra tenths of a second out of your race car over a race weekend.

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